Hire Tech Talent. Fast!

We are a Network of Handpicked Developers around the World

GSIX.team finds you the right developer, so you don't have to.

We are engineers ourselves (building our products, and working with tech talent) for over 10 years. And we understand, first-hand, that having the RIGHT people is the most critical factor of a project's success.

First, we discuss your needs. Then, we check our network for available talent. And match you with the developers. Only the ones who are fit with their expertise.

Get Started
Save time
Save Time On Hiring Tech Talent

The average time for the first candidate is 5 days after the kick-off. Don't trouble yourself with the hiring process. And focus on what is most important. Your business!

Hire Developers
Hire Developers On a Flexible Basis

Scale up or down your engineering team. No hard commitments and ongoing payroll costs. Part-time or full- time. When your business demands.

We consult
We Consult You For Free

The core team consists of experienced entrepreneurs and engineers that have built Award-Winning apps and software used by millions. We can be your technological advisor. So you can build a revolutionary digital product.

You are in good company


How does it work?

Tell us what kind of talent you need.

Share with us the job post and tech specifications. The more details are the better.

We match you with the perfect candidate.

It takes us on average 5 days to get to the initial candidate. And we make sure of a smooth introduction of the person to you.

They become part of your team.

You review our recommended candidate[s]. If you say yes, they integrate into your team and you kick- off working together.

No risk commitment.

One week trial period helps you see how it is to work together. No commitment even after. In the case of no 100 percent satisfaction from your side, we replace them for free.

Consult with us when you need.

We want to help you achieve your business goals. You can reach out to us for the technical, startup or business-related questions.

Meet our talents




average work experience

A multi-stage screening process to ensure excellence.

The first step of the screening process is an English Language and communication interview. Then, through various assignments, we make an in-depth review of technical skills and knowledge. The last part is test projects where developers demonstrate their competences, commitment to work, integrity, and work execution.



average work experience

Team Member
Team Member

Diversity of tech expertise & working skillset

Diversity of tech expertise & working skillset


Don't let unfilled technology jobs hurt your business.